If you choose not to use the Kagi registration system please fill in this form and send it along with $20 (Make checks out to Next Wave Software, Inc.) to the following address:
Next Wave Software, Inc.
3140 S. Peoria St. #247
Denver CO 80014
Your Name and Address
(IMPORTANT: include email address if possible):
Do you wish to receive Enigma via email?
(If so you must provide an email address)
Where did you get your copy of Enigma?
What Macintosh System do you have (Model, RAM, System version)?
What Features of Enigma do you most like?
What Features of Enigma do you hate?
Any comments or questions?
I agree not to export Enigma outside of the US/Canada
If you would like source code to Enigma 1.2 and the encryption engine please let me know and include an additional $10.
Send any questions to either the above mailing address or any of the following email addresses (in order of preference):
service@thenextwave.com <- Internet
Also check http://www.thenextwave.com/ for the latest updates and information.